Silly freshers know their symptoms
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

-Dedicated to the memory of my 18 year old cousin who passed away from meningitis in his freshers week-

Project includes...
Motion Graphics
Campaign Design
Experience Design
Environmental Design
CHALLENGE - The NHS estimates 1 in 10 'freshers'(First Year undergraduates) in the UK carry bacterial meningitis. From symptom manifestation to diagnosis is both tricky and urgent (to ensure recovery). Symptoms of meningitis are not widely known and often passed off as ‘freshers flu’. Males, in particular, are at greater risk statistically, as they are less likely to consult doctors than their female counterparts.

SOLUTION - Men!ngitis as a campaign turns major Meningitis symptoms into characters and environmental graphics. Targeting male university freshers it presents symptoms in a memorable and eye-catching fashion, whilst promoting awareness in a persuasive and compelling way. The campaign works in two parts; relatable characters and environmental graphics encountered on a freshers’ night out, reinforced by more hard-hitting and informative posters featured on social media.​​​​​​​
PART 1 : Environmental graphics
PART 1 : Environmental graphics
Character symptom gifs
Character symptom gifs

Men!ngitis - Instagram account

Symptom Poster - Confusion

Symptom Poster - Aversion to bright lights

Symptom Poster - Severe Headache

Symptom Poster - Vomiting

Symptom Poster - Cold extremities


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